Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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P. Shibaev, R. Sirotkin, O. Sirotkin. Explicit Science of Materials as a Function of Its Imma-nent Metalanguage Development

П.Б. Шибаев, Р.О. Сироткин, О.С. Сироткин

P. Shibaev,
Ph.D. in Technics
Senior Lecturer

R. Sirotkin,
Doctor of Chemistry
Doctor of Philosophy (in the field of science of polymers)
The Associate Professor

O. Sirotkin,
The Full Member of  Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
Doctor of Technics

Kazan State Power Engineering University  

The article shows a role of terms in studying science of materials in higher school. Inherent features allowing to differentiate terms from other language units, as well as types of terms by the example of science of materials, are thoroughly considered. It also indicates the difference between scientific and nonscientific or pseudoscientific terms. Aspects of infinite descent, unambiguousness, clarity, strictness and simplicity of scientific term definition in science of materials are revealed.

Key words: metalanguage, explicit presentation of the material, term, terminology, science of materials, method of infinite descent


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