Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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N.V. Chesnokova. Russian students: some features of ethnic psychology



Nadezhda V. Chesnokova
Senior lecturer, Vladimir State University
The article presents some results of investigation in Russian students` ethnic psychology (on the Vladimir state university’s base). The research context is foreign students` socio- and cultural adaptation in Russia. As to ethnic problems, shown is a lack of unity. Three groups of students were defined, i.e. ones apprehending universal values higher than ethnic values; ones making accent on “My — Alien” opposition; and ones don’t take ethnic features as a significant value in their life.
Key words: Russian and foreign students, ethnic psychology, ethnic stereotypes, ethnic identity, ethnic values, interethnic interaction, socio- and cultural adaptation
1.      Soldatova H.U. Psychology of inter-ethnic tensions. — М., 1998.
2.   Surina I.A., Guysanov K.R. Ethnic values of modern students: the nature, structure and research methods.— М., 1998