Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


V.V. Khripko. Intensifying and innovating horizons of educational process in institutions of higher education



V.V. Khripko
Candidate of military sciences, The Associate professor,
Military academy RVSN of a name of Peter the Great, (Moscow)


In high schools are practically no longer in use such two most important categories as “Teaching” & “Intensifying of teaching”. The author seeks for roots of that phenomenon.

Key words: teaching, intensifying of teaching, education, State educational qualifications, technologies of education, stability of teaching process


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7.                  Khripko V. Evolutionary concept of innovation-intensive to improve of learning in higher military educational institution. - M.: OA Armed Forces, 2008. – 202 p.