A. S. Brychkov
doctor of philosophical sciences,
actual member of the RussianAcademy of social sciences,
professor of the department of arts and social-
economic disciplines, senior research officer of
scientific laboratory of the Army Air Defense
Militarily Academy of the Russian Federation
named after marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsy
G. А.Fomchenkova
professor assistant of the department sociological,
candidate of sociological science, professor assistant
Smolensk State University
E-mail: galalfom@yandex.ru
The article tells about influence of “spirituality” phenomenon on personality and self-determination of a person. The author represents sub-products of sociological studies of the younger generation’s opinion about spirituality in modern society, analyzing them through the conception of “cultural” society, supreme human values and ways for educating young people.
Key words: spirituality, youth questionnaire on problems of community’s “spirituality”, spiritual and moral development of young people.
1. Compiled Statutes of Russian Federation. 1997. № 52.Article 5909; 2000. № 2. Article 170.
2. Frankl V. Psychotherapy and existentialism. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967. Р. 63.
3. Official periodicals: Electronic Guide Book/ Yandex, Dictionaries-Wikipedia: http://slovari. yandex.ru/agreement
4. Official periodicals: Philosophical Dictionary http://slovari on line.ru/word
5. Official periodicals: Yandex, Dictionaries- Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. http://mirslovarei. com/contentoje/duvoxnost-11159.htmlx.ru/agreement
6. Official periodicals: Yandex, Dictionaries. Electronic Dictionary.http://www.onlinedics.ru/slovar/fil/d/duxovnost.html
7. Official periodicals: Yandex, Dictionaries . Electronic Dictionary. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki