Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Digital model of intellectual active potential of an engineer

N.K. Nuriev, S.D. Starygina

Nail K. Nuriev,

Dr. of pedagogical sciences, prof.

Head of the Department


Svetlana D. Starygina

PhD on pedagogical sciences, docent,

Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

Kazan State Technological University


Intellect is considered as a resource and an instrument of active potential of a future engineer. Determined are composition structure and potential parameters’ metrics that characterize intellectual active potential of an engineer with presentation of it in digital format in the organization process of highly effective distance training.

Key words: technical intellect, emotional intellect, intellectual active potential, potential of an engineer, potential parameters’ metrics.



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7.                  Nuriev, N., Zhurbenko L., Shakirov R., Khairullina E., Starygina S., Abutalipov A. Methodology of teaching the next generation systems. - Kazan, Center for Innovative Technology, 2009. - 456.

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