Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


V.V. Smirnov. On conception for students’ training in original studies in Physics



Candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences,
Head of the Department of welding processes,
Associate Professor of General Physics,
Astrakhan State University.
The author presents some results of forming in students skills for experimental studies in Physics. Defined are models of cognitive tasks solving with experimental methods in laboratorium practical works. Principal requisites that possibly guarantee necessary training of students are also formulated.
Key words: experimental studies in physics, operational approach, cognitive task, generalized methods for solving cognitive tasks.
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4.                  Smirnov VV. Laboratory workshop on physics as a necessary condition for the formation of professional competence. Monograph - Astrakhan, Publishing House "Astrakhan University, 2008 - 152.