Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On using of slide-lections in educational process in institution of higher education

L.A. Semyonova


The candidate of pedagogical sciences,
 the item the teacher of chair «Pedagogics and psychology»
Innovative Euroasian University, Republic Kazakhstan
Examined is the problem of using of slide-lections in educational process in institution of higher education, as well as some requests to slide-lections aimed at organizing of students’ independent work are presented.
Key words: slide-lection, students’ independent work, credit technology in education.
1. Rules of the organization of educational process on credit technology of training. — [URL]:
2. A lecture slide. — М: Modern Humanitarian Academy. — [URL]:
3. Technologies for preparation of successful presentations. — [URL]: