Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Educational Policy of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

P.S. Chubik, A.I. Chuchalin


Chuchalin Alexander Ivanovich
Dr.T.S., Vice-rector for Academic & International Affairs
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
E-mail:; tel. +7 3822 701606
Chubik Petr Savelyevich
Dr.T.S., Rector
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
The paper is focused on the analysis of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University educational policy in terms of Russian higher education system modernization. TPU educational policy is aimed at further development of the system for elite technical education and other methods of mastering the programs in student-centered environment.
Key words: higher education, educational policy, educational standard, competence-based approach, international accreditation, international certification.
1.             Chubik P.S., Kruchkov U.U., Solovyev M.A. System of the Elite Technical Education as an Element of the Innovative Engineering Pedagogic // Tomskiy Polytechnic. – 2005. - № 11. – P. 16-22.
2.             Chuchalin A.I., Zamyatin A.V., Solovyev M.A. Educational Program Standard in the System of Quality Management of Tomsk Polytechnic University // Alma Mater. – 2008. – № 6. – P.25-29.
3.             Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance of the Bachelor, Master and Specialist Programs on the Priority Areas of Development of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University / Digest of the Regulatory Documents. – Tomsk: TPU Publishing House. – 2012. – 197 p.
4.             National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University – [URL]:
5.             Accreditation Centre, Russian Association for Engineering Education. – [URL]:
6.             European Network for Accreditation of Engineering in Education, ENAEE. —[URL]:
7.             European Federation of National Engineering Associations, FЕANI. — [URL]:
8.              Chubik P.S., Chuchalin A.I., Zamyatin A.V. Regulatory documents for the System of Certification and Registration of Professional Engineers in the Russian Register of the APEC Engineers and International Engineer Register. — Tomsk: TPU Publishing House. – 2010. — 80 p.
9.              Russian Register of the Engineers certified in accordance with the APEC Engineer Register International Standards. — [URL]:
10.          International Register of the Engineers Certified in accordance with the APEC Engineer Register Standards. — [URL]: