Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Social infrastructure: partnership of public sectors and private business

A.S. Mokhamad


Arif S. Mokhamad
Postgraduate student
Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Examined are projects in leading countries focused on stimulation of scientific and educational, and innovation activities. Content of “infrastructure” is disclosed, anti-crisis measures in OECD-countries are analyzed, public and private partnership as variant for solving socially acute problems is considered. Also concrete examples of scientific and educational projects are specified.
Key words: infrastructure, infrastructure project, public and private partnership, financial crisis, education, innovations
1.     Nemova L.A. Infrastructure projects in anti-crisis program of Canada // Russia and America in XXI century. 2010 #2.
2.        Public-Private Partnership in education: compilation/ scientific editor O.P. Molchanova, A.Y. Livshin. – M.: KDU, 2009.
3.        Efremov D.N. The typology of PPP forms in education sphere // Economic magazine. 2012 #25.
4. - Critical analysis of the practice of scientific and technological innovation and the commercialization of technology in the Russian Federation and the EU project "Science and Technology Commercialization».
5. - «technoparks will receive more funding», Vitaly Petlev, Elizaveta Sergina, 2012.
6. - Private investors are invited in education sphere, 2012.
7.     LEGAL ANALYTICS: PPP & INFRASTRUCTURE Life cycle contract – new form of PPP in Russia, 2012. [URL]: