Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Career orientations of modern youth from senier high school student to university graduate age

O.P. Tsaritsentseva

            Oksana P.Tsaritsentseva

Candidate of psychological sciences,
associate professor of the chair of age and educational psychology
of federal public budgetary educational institution of higher education
"The Orenburg state pedagogical university"
Need for organizing of psychological support of professional career of students both at advanced school and university is grounded. Main accent is made on such structural component of that prosess as career orientations. Description of directions for psychological support of adequate choice of career orientation by both young men and girls is also quoted.
Key words: career, career orientation, students, youth, psychological support for career
1.      Akbieva, Z.S. «Psychology Career and Vocational relevant behavior specialist» [Text] /Z.S.Akbieva, O.P.Ternovskaya, L.B.Schneider. – Moscow: Publishing House of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, Voronezh: Publishing House MODEK, 2008. – 328p. – ISBN 978-5-89502-898-8.
2.      Mogilevkin, E.A. «Career development: diagnosis, technology, training» [Text] /  E.A. Mogilevkin. – St.Peterburg: Publishing House Speech, 2007 – 336 p. – ISBN 5-9268-0599-6.
3.      Tsaritsentseva, O.P. «Career-guidance of modern youth: theory, experiment, training» [Text] / O.P.Tsaritsentseva. - Orenburg: Publishing House of the N.K.Krupskaya library, 2009 – 186 p. – ISBN 978-5-904401-05-4.
4.      Schneider, L.B. «Professional identity: theory, experiment, training» [Text] / L.B. Schneider. – Moscow: Publishing House of the Moscow Psychological and SocialInstitute, Voronezh: Publishing House MODEK, 2004 – 600 p. – ISBN 5-89502-504-8.