Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Motivation mechanism of a high technical school teacher to pedagogic creative work

A.I. Popov

Andrey I. Popov

Tambov State Technical University
Analyzed are requirements of Federal state educational standards to pedagogic activity of a high school teacher. Structure of professional pedagogic competences is defined, as well as necessity to be in possession of creative competences substantiated. Also motivation mechanism to pedagogic creative work with some forms of attestation of teachers proposed.
Key words: professional training, creative competences, pedagogic creative work, attestation of high school teachers.
Popova, I.V. Professional Pedagogical Competence of University Teachers: Current Experience of Development / I.V. Popova, A.I. Popov // Questions of modern science and practice. University V.I. Vernadsky. – 2012. – №3 (41).– С. 135-140.