Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Ergonomic and social and psychological support for professional activity of a pedagogue

L.P. Okulova


Candidate of Pedagogics, docent
Branch FGBOU VPO "UdSU" in Votkinsk
                   Discussed is the problem of functional discomfort in education, based on ergonomic approach. Presented is an analysis in adaptation of professional activity of a pedagogue to artificial, informational, social, educational environments. Effectiveness of the process of pedagogue’s activity through organizing of ergonomic work place is also substantiated.
                   Key words: pedagogical ergonomics, ergonomization of education, pedagogical activity.
1. Okulova, L.P. Educational ergonomics. — M. — Izhevsk: Institute of Computer Sciences, 2011. — 200 p.