Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Off-budget sources for financing of activity of autonomous educational institution

A.I. Minakova


Minakova Albina Irfanovna

Postgraduate at the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (Moscow)

Senior Lecturer at the Law, intellectual of property and legal expertise Department of BMSTU,

Leading legal adviser at the Institute of modern educational technologies of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU)




Elaborated and analyzed are peculiarities in the process of formation of the tar-get capital fund in an educational institution as innovative mechanism for chari-table activity. Examined is foreign experience in formation of endowement funds. Identified are advantages for endowement formation in the RF in the sphere of education. Defined are principal tasks, for solving of which would be formed en-dowement fund in autonomous educational institution.

Key words: autonomous educational institution, endowement fund, noncommer-cial institution, education.



1.      On procedure of formation and utilization of capital earmarked for special purposes in non-commercial organizations. Federal law of the Russian Federation, 13.12.2006, No. 275-FL // Rossiiskaya gazeta. — 2007. — No. 2. — January, 11.

2.      On autonomous establishments. Federal law of the Russian Federation, 03.11.2006, No. 174-FL // Rossiiskaya gazeta. — 2006. — No. 4216. — November, 8.

3.      [URL]:


4.      Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms. — Downes, Goodman, Barron’s Financial Guides. — U.S., 1998.