Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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How to submit the dissertation: raising the role of thesis abstract by evaluation of dissertation’s quality

S.D. Reznik, O.A. Sazikina


Reznik S.D.

Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor

Director of Institute of economy and management of

the Penza state University of architecture and construction



Sazikina O.A.

candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department «Management» of

the Penza state University of architecture and construction


Examined are factors, forming reputation of dissertation research of applicant for academic degree on the basis of thesis abstract. Some recommendations for structure and content of thesis abstract with taking into account normative regulations are also formulated.

      Key words: thesis abstract, dissertation, reputation of dissertation research, applicant for academic degree.



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