Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


E-portfolio for placing in a job of final-year students of higher and secondary professional education

O.G. Smolyaninova, O.A. Imanova


Smolyaninova Olga Georgievna

Dr. of Education, , Prof., Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education,

Director of Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology,

Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk.


Imanova Olga Anatolyevna

Candidate of Education, Docent, Information Technology in Education Chair,

Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk.


Shown are possibilities of using E-portfolio as effective mechanism of interaction between labor market and organizations of SPE /HPE, and also alaborated are factors, assisting successful introducing of E-portfolio into educational process in professional education and practice of placing in a job. Presented is experience of using E-portfolio technology in activity of a number of educational institutions.

Key words: professional education, pedagogical education, E-portfolio, placing in a job, bachelorship, mastership, mobility.



1. Smolyaninova, O.G. e-Portfolio in Assessing Educational Achievements and in Professional Development of Master Program of Students of SibFU // Informatika i Obrazovaniye. — 2009. — No. 12. — P. 121–123.

2. [URL]:

3. Smolyaninova, O.G. e-Portfolio Method in Assessing EducationalAchievements of Bachelor Program of Students, Specialization: Education // Standarti i Monitoring v Obrazovanii. — 2010. — No. 3. — P. 11–16.

4. Smolyaninova, O.G., Imanova, O.A. Using e-Portfolio Technology in Higher Education in the Russian Federation // Sibirskiy Pedagogicheskiy Zhurnal. — 2011. — No 9. — P. 65–77.

5. Smolyaninova, O.G., Imanova, O.A. Using e-Portfolio Technology in Training of Pedagogues // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Prospective Innovatioons in Science, Education, Production and Transport”. — Iss. 2. — Vol. 12. — Odessa, 2012. — P. 69–75.

6. Smolyaninova, O.G., Imanova, O.A. Problems and Prospects of Using e-Portfolio Technology in Training of Pedagogues // Informatika i Obrazovaniye. — 2012. — No. 6. — P. 96–100.

7. Smolyaninova, O.G., Imanova, O.A. Assessing Trainee Teachers’ Professional Competencies by Means of e-Portfolio // Sibirsky Pedagogichesky Zhurnal. — 2012. — No. 7. — P. 61–66 

8. Smolyaninova, O.G., Imanova, O.A., Bugakova, O.E. Using e-portfolio in vocational education and training // Journal of Siberian federal university. Humanities & Social Sciences. — 2012. — Vol. 5. — P. 1708–1714.