Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Business game in chemical technology of organic substances as an active method for intensification of students training

A.P. Nikitina, T.R. Prosochkina, O.V. Davydova, A.M. Kalimgulova


Nikitina A.

Cand. chem. Sciences, associate professor,


Proshechkina T.

Cand. chem. Sciences, associate professor,


Davydova O.

Senior lecturer 

Kalimgulova A.

Graduate ,

Chair petrochemical and chemical technology,

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University.


Examined is influence of business games on cognitive processes of students of technical specialities and formation of their professional competencies with the example of the discipline of “Chemical technology of organic substances”.

Key words: active method of education, business game, intensification of of educational process, technical disciplines, effectiveness of education.



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