Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Pedagogical monitoring as a condition for quality assurance in the system of education

E.V. Borisova, A.N. Galochkin


Е.V. Borisova

Doctor of Pedagogy, docent

Professor of chair Military acmeology and cybernetics,

Military academies of a name of Peter the Great (Moscow)



А.N.  Galochkin

Postgraduate Student of chair Military acmeology and cybernetics

Military academies of a name of Peter the Great (Moscow)


Analyzed are both place of monitoring in the system of education and it’s role in evaluation of quality of educational process. Also carried out is comparative analysis of monitoring definitions in various spheres of their application, and given are general principles of system monitoring. The authors elaborated basic functions of monitoring in education, as well as considered their interconnections.

Key words: monitoring, principles of system monitoring, pedagogical monitoring, functions of monitoring in education, control of quality. 



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