Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On professionalism of graduates of the Professor Institute

N.V. Karnaukh


Karnauh  Nadezhda Valentinovna,

Cadidate of pedagogical science, professor,

 Head of the Department of Pedagogy,

Blagoveschensk State Pedagogical University



Presented are results of realization in the 1st part of the 19th century in Professor Institute of Derpt of theoretical conception of training competitive as to European level professors for Russian universities. Special attention is paid to analysis of components of professionalism of graduates of the Professor Institute, and also to aspects of training of lecturing staff of high school.

Key words: Professor Institute, training of university’s lecturers, graduates, professionalism, analysis, succession.



1. Federal Target Program “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in innovative Russia” for 2009—2013.

2. Buzeskul, V.P. Professor M.M. Lunin, Kharkov Granovskiy. On the centenary of Kharkov University // Ministry of Public Education Journal. — 1905. — No. 2. — 323 p.

3. Pirogov, N.I. Additions to remarks on the draft general statute of Imperial Russian universities. — SPb.: I. Ogrizko Publ., 1863. — 85 p.

4. Nikitenko, A.V. Notes and diary: in 3 vol. — Vol. 2. — SPb.: A.S. Suvorin Publ., 1893. — 498 p.

5. Imperial St. Petersburg State University within the first fifty years of it’s existence. Historical note, made on the instructions of the University Council ordin. prof. in the department of history of the East V.V. Grigoriev. — SPb., 1870. — 679 p.

6. De-Pule, M.N. Kharkov University and D.I. Kachenovsky. Cultural overview and memories of the 40s // Europe Bulletin. — 1874. — January. — P. 88, 93.

7. RSHA. — F. 733. — Inv. no. 50. — St. unit 1037. — P. 22.

8. Afonsky, A.P. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. His life and teaching sermon. — M.: I.D. Sytin Partnership Print., 1911. — 88 p.

9. Pirogov, N.I. Questions of life. Diary of the old doctor. — SPb.: Northwest Publ., 2011. — 608 p.

10. Buslayev, F.I. My memories. — M.: G. Lissner & A. Geshelya Publ., 1897. — 387 p.

11. Volyntsev, G.I. About N.I. Pirogov as professor and educator. — SPb., 1897. — 29 p.

12. Ivanovsky, V. About teaching of pedagogy in universities. — SPb., 1906. — 27 p. 

13. RSHA. — F. 733. — Inv. no. 95. — St. unit 679. — P. 13, 15.