Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Specialist in clinical laboratory diagnostics: yesterday and nowadays, but what tomorrow?

Yu.V. Emanuel, A.A. Scoromets, A.G. Kochetov, O.V. Lyang, T.V. Lobachevskaya, V.L. Emanuel

 Skoromets Alexander Anisimovich

Doctor of Science, professor, acad. of Russian academy of medical sciences, chairman of neurology and neurosurgery department, State budget educational institution of Higher professional education “First Saint-Petersburg I.P.Pavlov State medical university”, Ministry for Health Care of Russian Federation


Kochetov Anatoli Glebovich

Chief specialist for clinical laboratory diagnosis of Russian Ministry for Health Care, Doctor of Science, chairman of the Health Care Ministry commission for clinical laboratory diagnosis.

Professor of the Hospital therapy department with the course of clinical laboratory diagnosis, Russian Peoples’ Friendship University, member of the presidium of the emergency cardiology society



Liang Olga Viktorovna

PhD in biology, secretary of the Health Care Ministry commission for clinical laboratory diagnosis, assistant professor of the Hospital therapy department with the course of clinical laboratory diagnosis, Russian Peoples’ Friendship University



Lobachevskaya Tatiana Vladimirovna

PhD in medicine, assistant professor associate professor of clinical laboratory diagnosis department with the course molecular medicine; State budget educational institution of Higher professional education “First Saint-Petersburg I.P.Pavlov State medical university”, Ministry for Health Care of Russian Federation



Emanuel Vladimir Leonidovich

Doctor of Medicine. professor of clinical laboratory diagnosis department with the course molecular medicine; State budget educational institution of Higher professional education “First Saint-Petersburg I.P.Pavlov State medical university”, Ministry for Health Care of Russian Federation



Examined is the problem of perception of laboratory medicine as a speciality. Determined are principal conditions of it’s development in such quality.

Key words: laboratory medicine, laboratory matter, clinical laboratory diagnostics.



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9.      Emanuel, V.L. Role of sub-faculty of clinical laboratory diagnostics in education in the sphere of laboratory medicine // Clinical laboratory diagnostics. — 2006. — No. 9. — P. 11.

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