Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Professionally oriented work and organization of new recruitment of students in universities of Siberia through the years from 1970 into 1980s

V.V. Petrik

Petrik Valery

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of History and Area Studies,

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University



Analysed is activity of collectives of Siberian high schools as to bettering of forms of professionally oriented work among the youth. Shown is that besides traditional forms of popularization of high schools, their administrations and public organizations used active forms of recruitment of students. Characterized are negative moments, that often resulted in substitution of professional orientation by sum of mass measures.

Key words: professionally oriented work, new recruitment of students, pre-high school training, competition, pupil taking school-leaving exams, professional selection, professional orientation of the youth, professional information



  1. Proceedings of the XXV Congress of the CPSU. — M., 1976.

  2. State Archive of the RF. — F. A-605. — Op. 1. — D. 9563.

  3. Documentation Centre of Recent history of Omsk region. — F. 9277. — Op. 1. — D. 12.

  4. Documentation Centre of recent history of Irkutsk region. — F. 132. — Op. 1. — D. 265.

  5. Central Archive Fund of the Altai Territory. — F. 9834. — Op. 1. — D. 106.

  6. Tomsk University. 18801980. Essays on history and activities. — Tomsk, 1980.

  7. Lavrentiev, M. Will grow with Siberia. — Novosibirsk, 1982.

  8. State Archive of Novosibirsk region. — F. P-5419. — Op. 1. — D. 132.

  9. Pravda. — 1979. — July, the 7th.

  10.  Center for Preservation and Study of Documents of recent history of Krasnoyarsk Territory. — F. 7162. — Op. 1. — D. 25.

  11.  State Archive of Kemerovo region. — F. P-1436.  — Op. 1. — D. 34.

  12.  Documentation Centre of recent history of Tyumen region. — F. R?9765. — Op. 1. — D. 10.