Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Function of breeding in moral philosophy of V.S. Solovyov. Historical philosophical analysis

N.V. Skvortsova


Skvortsova Natalya
postgraduate student of Department of philosophical socio-political and legal Sciences of
Donbass State Teachers Training University
     Analyzed is the principle of moral philosophy of V.S. Solovyov, as a guide into the Kingdom of God. Shown is the character of family breeding as to the philosopher’s opinions. Also analyzed is inextricable connection between generations of grandparents vs parents, children vs parents, and children vs grandchildren. On the basis of the analysis, conclusion is made, that moral behavior is both aim and meaning of human life.
     Key words: morality, family breeding, historical philosophical analysis, pedagogical reform.
1. Gulyga, A.V. Russkaya ideya i ee tvorci. — M.: Izd-vo Exmo, 2003.
2. Lavrichenko, V.N. Filosofiya. Seriya: Institutiones. — M.: Yurist, 2004.
3. Solovyov, V.S. Opravdanie dobra. — М.: Algoritm, 2012.
4. Trubeckoy, E.N. Mirosozercanie V.S. Solovyova: In 2 vols. — М: Tovarishchestvo tip. A.I. Mamontova. — Vol. 1. — M., 1913.