Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Some peculiarities in definition of meaning and content of competences in educational standards of national research universities and FSES HPE

A.V. Zakharova


Anna V. Zakharova

 senior teacher 

Department of English Language

National Research University – Higher School of Economics


 Made is comparative analysis of meaning and content of competences as to educational standard in category of “National research university” vs. Federal state educational standard. Aims of comparison are in elaborating of peculiarities in interpretation of “competency” as to NRU, as well as in determination of level of it’s conformity with formatted in the framework of NRU standard competences with tasks of social and economic demand of society for training of bachelor graduates.

Key words: educational standard, national research university, competences, scientific research work of students.


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