Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Civilization fundamentals of studying history of enlightenment of Middle ages and New times

L.N. Belenchuk, E.E. Nikitina


Belenchuk Larisa Nokolayevna ,

leading research scientist of The Institute for Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, PhD in History


Nikitina Yekaterina Yevgenyevna,

PhD in Pedagogy, senior research scientist of

The Institute for Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education,


Analyzed are basic characteristics of civilization approach to studying of pedagogical systems of Middle ages and New times, interaction and co-influence of Western and Russian education, and character peculiarities of the system of breeding and training in Russia.

Key words: enlightenment, education, pedagogics, teaching, civilization approach. 


1.      Alexey Stepanovich Khomyakov. His life and works. — M., 1897.

2.      Belenchuk, L.N. Education in Russia in opinions of Westerners and Slavophils. — M., 2014.

3.      Valuev, D.A. Origins of slavophilism. — M., 2010.

4.      Gogol, N.V. Selected works. — M., 1999.

5.      Komensky, Ya.A. Selected pedagogical works in two vols. — Vol. 1. — M., 1982.

6.      Unpublished Gogol. — M., 2001.


7.      Khomyakov, A.S. World-wide task of Russia. — M., 2008.