Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Universal technology of educational training as means for solvation of problems of pedagogics at technical high school

L.A. Naynish, S.A. Boldirev, T.V. Golubinskaya


Nainish Larisa A.

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor,

Head of “Descriptive geometry and graphics” department of

Penza State University of Architecture and Construction


Boldyrev Sergey A.,

Candidate of Technical Sciences,

vice rector for study of the Penza state university of architecture and construction


Golubinskaya Tamara V.,

chief of educational and methodical department of the Penza state university of architecture and construction


Presented is an analysis in modern state of pedagogics of higher technical education, as well as listed are it’s fundamental problems. Also shown is one of ways to solve these problems.

Key words: technical education, problems, universal technology of training. 


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4. Naynish, L.A. How to choose the optimum training technology // Youth, education, science. — Penza, 2008. — P. 95–103.

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8. Valkov, K.I. Lectures on fundamentals of geometrical modeling. — L.: LGU, 1975.