Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Language environment as main condition of effectiveness of foreign language training

Makayev Khanif Fakhretdinovich

Makayev Khanif Fakhretdinovich

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, reader

Branch of Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

“Ufa State Petroleum Technical University” in the City of Sterlitamak, reader


              Analyzed is importance of creation of language environment for gaining of effectiveness of training in foreign language of students at non-language high schools.

Presented is a technology for ensuring conditional language environment for development of skills of spontaneous foreign language speech ability of students.

              Key words: conditional language environment, natural environment, method of unexpectedness, multisensory approach, training in foreign language. 


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3. Fyodorova, L.M. Linguistic education in the system of training specialists of technical and economic profiles: aims, content, perspectives // Problems of linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages. — M., 2000. — P. 116—117.