Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Peculiarities in training methodic work of educating in the discipline of “Corporate social responsibility”

Y.V. Anufrieva


Y.V. Anufrieva

Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor

The Siberian State University of transport

E-mail: , 

Presented are results of research work in formation of corporate social responsibility in students of economic profile. Proposed is many factor model of category of “responsibility” in the process of training in the discipline of “Corporate social responsibility”. Special attention is paid to pedagogical technologies with taking into account axiological component in the process of innovative education.

Key words: axiological approach, responsibility, motives, personal qualities, methods, pedagogical technologies. 


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2. Anufrieva, Yu.V. Formation of social responsibility in students of economic profile // World of science, culture, education. — 2012. — No. 2 (33). — P. 105—109.

3. Anufrieva, Yu.V. Process of pedagogical management of training economic cadres in educational system “school - higher education institution - production – business” // World of science, culture, education. — 2014. — No. 2 (45). — P. 75—80.

4. Anufrieva, Yu.V. Moral and economic aspects of application of outsourcing in management system of transport // Science problems of Siberia and the Far East. — 2014. — No. 1—2. — P. 114—116.

5. [URL]: