Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Corporate model of educational, scientific and productive associations in Kazakhstan

A.M. Gazaliyev, A.Z. Isagulov, I.V. Breido


A.M. Gazaliev is doct. of Chemistry, prof., academician, rector of university,


A.Z. Isagulov is doct. of Engineering, prof., vice rector,


I.V. Breido is doct. of Engineering, prof.,


Karaganda State Technical University (KarGTU) 

Made is analysis of various options of interaction of technical universities with innovative environment and industry. In conditions in Kazakhstan perspectives has corporate model of educational, science and productive associations (ESPA). Presented is information of ESPA of Karaganda State Technical University, created within frames of consortium “Corporate University”. At KarGTU are functioning ESPA on training of specialists in metallurgy, construction, power engineering, transport and mechanical engineering. Each association includes scientific research institutes, letting-out chairs and sub-faculties, centers of work professions and branches of chairs and sub-faculties at enterprises of consortium. Thus, very highly kept is the balance of interests of higher education institution, enterprises and scientific research institute, while all structures, constituting consortium, are keeping the status of legal entities.

Key words: bachelorship, technical specialties, Karaganda State Technical University, corporate model, educational, scientific and productive associations. 


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