Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Self-government at students’ dormitory

A.V. Lyubin, A.B. Dolina

A.V. Lyubin is cand. of science (Medicine), doc.


A.B. Dolina is cand of science (Medicine), doc.


Chita State Medical Academy


Presented is experience in organization of self-government at students’ dormitory No. 3 of Chita State Medical Academy. Described are structure, content and directions of activity of students’ self-government organs, and also shown are their role in socialization and tutor breeding of personality. Social pedagogical bases of collective self-organization of students are examined. Formulated are peculiarities of students’ self-government as forms of public activity, and also directions of breeding work in dormitory are elaborated. Development of self-government involves students in the process of co-creation, constructive and fruitful contacts, that in turn lays foundations for formation of healthy collectivism, assists social adaptation of personality. Conclusion is made, that activity of organs of self-government is important component of modernization of administration in dormitory, aim of which are development of students’ initiatives in various spheres of social activity, as well as defense of rights and interests of students.

Key words: dormitory, breeding work, outside class activity, student self -government, FGOS VPO, professional competence, student, students’ council.



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