Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


The relationship between the development of the education system in Iraq and its economic development

Mohammed Abdulwahid Jayyas, Ahmed S.K Razzak Yunus
UDC 33-042.3:37(567)

Dr. Mohammed Abdulwahid Jayyas, University of Baghdad — College of Education, Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences, Iraq, e-mail:

Ahmed Razzaq Yunus, 3rd year postgraduate student, specialty “Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes”, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don City, Russia, e-mail:


The education system is one of the main criteria for assessing the development of countries and the well-being of their societies. However, this assessment should not be limited to education expenditure alone. In the age of information and knowledge and in the light of changes in the world economy, Iraq must rethink the criteria for assessing its development.

Educational institutions began to improve their material base and personnel potential so that students were able to effectively use the acquired skills and modern knowledge to increase their productivity. That is why we can assert that education makes a certain contribution to the process of economic development of the country. But this requires a serious effort to develop a clear vision for the future in order to support the development of the education system and to increase the share of education spending in the national budget. Through such measures, GDP can be increased, which will strengthen the Iraqi economy as a whole.

Keywords: sustainable development, education, development, distance education, Internet, economic development, Iraq


References in Arabic

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Литература / References in English

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