Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Institutional and ethical considerations regarding the interplay between science and politics in modern society

E.I. Egorov
UDC 001-042.3:32

Egor I. Egorov, teaching assistant of International Relations and Regional Studies Department, Novosibirsk State Technical University, e-mail:


The article analyses the problems of interaction between social institutions of science and politics, as well as their relationship with other structures of modern society, such as public administration, business and non-profit organizations. The interrelation between science and politics is considered: scientific achievements become the basis for solving public problems, while political decisions determine resources and frameworks for scientific research. Particular attention is paid to the tensions that arise in this interaction, including political influences on scientific priorities, data manipulation, and ethical dilemmas that can arise in the process of scientific work and the adoption of new technologies. The article also proposes a strategy to minimize these tensions by establishing transparent oversight mechanisms and strengthening dialogue between scientists and policy makers.

Keywords: science and politics interaction, politicization of science, ethical issues, scientific and political discourse, transdisciplinarity



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