Svetlana P. Tatarova, Dr. Sc. (Sociology), Docent, Department of Social and Cultural Activities, East Siberian State Institute of Culture, Ulan-Ude City, e-mail:, SPIN-code: 3561-5689, ID: 448887
Svetlana A. Kharitonova, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy), Docent, Department of Social and Cultural Activities, East Siberian State Institute of Culture, Ulan-Ude City, e-mail:, SPIN-code: 7172-9137, ID: 902761
Introduction: Patriotic education of citizens, in the conditions of the aggravated international situation, should be determined by the national interests of Russia and ensure the active participation of citizens in ensuring its security from external and internal threats. An important link in the system of patriotic education should be the comprehensive work of all social institutions on the formation of a harmonious personality, with a pronounced civil position and developed patriotic qualities. The dynamics of the activities of educational, socio-cultural institutions in this direction is very mobile in different periods of development of society and depends on many factors. The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of patriotic education in modern Russian society.
Methods in the process of research, theoretical methods were used: traditional analysis of the theoretical and methodological literature on the topic under study, synthesis, comparative-historical method, as well as empirical methods (included observation, secondary analysis of sociological data obtained by other authors).
Results of the study and discussion: The results of the study showed that there is a positive dynamic in the implementation of patriotic education by quantitative indicators: the number of events held, the number of participants, the abundance of new forms and methods of work. In the system of patriotic education involved educational institutions, cultural institutions, authorities, public organizations. It is noted that the socio-state youth and youth movements have actively launched their work. However, it is obvious that along with the breakthrough experience available to date in the system of patriotic education, such problems as weak interagency cooperation, lack of work with various groups and strata of the population, low involvement of the adult population are exposed.
The authors analyzed various forms of work with young people organized by educational, cultural and leisure institutions, patriotic clubs and public organizations. It is noted that often the conducted events are methodically built incorrectly, do not take into account the specifics of the object of influence, are focused on the mass and number of events held, do not set as their task the formation of a conscious desire of young people to participate in patriotic activities. At the same time, it is emphasized that the quality of the activities carried out increases in connection with the training of teachers, leaders, activists who carry out this work. The conclusion is made about the need and strengthening of targeted, comprehensive work on patriotic education of the population on an ongoing basis, taking into account the experience of predecessors, as well as on the basis of best modern practices.
Conclusion. Patriotic education in modern society is a significant pedagogical problem and an important state task since the national security of the state depends on its effective solution. This work should include, in addition to the actors, also the media, production teams, the family, representatives of religious confessions. This work needs to be integrated, focused and well-coordinated to avoid duplication and repetition of activities. It is important to move away from routine, repetitive, mass work to point, value-laden activity, taking into account the interests, needs of various social strata of the population.
Keywords: patriotism, patriotic education, educational institutions, public organizations, cultural institutions, family, education system
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