Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


The usage of the technology of the problem method in teaching English to students of History and Russian to foreign students

M.Yu. Eremina, O.A. Sveshnikova
UDC 378+811.161.1`24-054.6

Maria Yu. Eremina, PhD in History, Senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign languages of the Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University, e-mail:

Olga A. Sveshnikova, PhD in Philology, Accociate Professor of the Department of Russian language # 4, Institute of Russian language, People’s Friendship University of Russia named after P. Lumumba, e-mail:, Moscow


The problem method is one of the modern and effective ways of teaching, involving the acquisition of knowledge by students not in an obvious or ready–made form, but in the process of solving a given problem - solving a problematic issue. At the center of the problem method is an educational situation, for the resolution of which it is necessary to acquire independently new knowledge through analytical thinking. Such an educational method stimulates the cognitive and research activities of students, contributes to the manifestation of their individual characteristics and creative potential. The knowledge gained in this way is well absorbed and can be effectively applied in the future. By solving the problem through their own reflections and guesses, students begin to analyze deeply and understand the essence of the material being studied. The article describes the usage of the problematic method in teaching foreign languages. Methodological developments in English language teaching are given as an example. It also describes the application of the problem method in teaching RCTs. This method of work is especially important for foreigners, since they live in a foreign-speaking society. Thus, both in teaching foreign languages and in teaching RCT, the problem method helps to form communicative competence, as well as to form students' skills for self-development of new knowledge, promotes the manifestation of creative and analytical abilities, the acquisition of a deep understanding of new material and the formation of research skills.

Keywords: teaching English to students of History, teaching Russian to foreign students, problem method, problem tasks



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