Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Parametric model of social quality management

A.V. Mayakova
UDC 005:167

Anna V. Mayakova, Cand. Sc. (Philosophy), Scientific Researcher, South-West State University, Kursk Сity, e-mail:


Social quality management today is an urgent area of research not only socio-economic, but also philosophical and humanitarian orientation. On the one hand, the undeniable novelty of social quality management generates a pluralism of opinions around it, on the other, the scientific and technical foundations of quality management dictate a clear logic and structuring of this process. The relevance of the topic is also confirmed by the fact that in the light of the interdisciplinarity of modern science, the issues of technicism and innovation are logically woven into the canvas of humanitarianism. The purpose of this study is to form a model of social quality management in the context of modern philosophy and methodology of science. To achieve this goal, the author uses such methods and methodologies as the theory of complexity (complexity), the concept of enactivism, the methodology of constructing parametric models and anthropological keys. The following results were obtained in the work. A parametric social model of quality management has been formed, which is a management system through the creation of conditions for the emergence of a new social quality of life. Social quality management is expressed in the emergence of a new social quality of life for a person (society) in a favorable environment formed by the quality mindset of a person (society). The presented model can be applied to social processes and clusters: from the direction (the chosen vector of development) to the result (the formation of a certain, and always new, social quality of life).

Keywords: social quality of life, social quality management, parametric model, quality-umwelt, complexity



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