Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Modernization of the public education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of the action strategy (2017–2021)

Sh.U. Ne’matov
UDC 37(575.1)(091)"201"


Shokhzodbek U. Ne’matov, PhD student of the Faculty of History, National University of Uzbekistan, e-mail:

This article analyzes the reforms and changes in the system of public education in the Republic of Uzbekistan based on the Action Strategy. In particular, the statistical analysis of the changes related to the regulatory and legal documents adopted in the field in 2017–2021, the implementation of state and investment programs, the financial condition of educational institutions, and the material and technical base has been highlighted. Also, decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted in 2017–2021, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, regulatory documents of the Ministry of Public Education in the field, statistical analysis of the education system of the State Statistics Committee, analyzed the state and materials such as the implementation of investment programs and the use of funds allocated to the industry.

Keywords: Action strategy, State program, Investment program, legal documents, material and technical base, international projects, reconstruction, private schools, modern school



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