Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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The ontological foundations of the artist’s creative Self

T.О. Tishchenko
UDC 130.2+71.02

Tatiana О. Tishchenko, Postgraduate student of the Department of Psychology and Conflictology Lugansk State University named after Vladimir Dahl, e-mail:


The article undertakes a philosophical and aesthetical analysis of the ontological foundations of the artist’s creative Self. This category is problematized through the concept of “life world”, which is described as a special quasi-reality of the scope of the subjective and objective. The author consistently presented the life world of the artist's creative Self in the traditions and perspectives of various philosophical and aesthetic concepts. Special attention is paid to the representation of the subject’s Ego in the works of Russian thinkers.

Keywords: artist's creative self, life world, art, genius, freedom



1. Aristotle. On the soul. Works in 4 vols. V. 1. Moscow: Mysl’, 1976. 831 p.

2. Bergson, H. Selected: Consciousness and Life; [translated from French]. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2010. 399 p.

3. Bychkov, V.V. Aesthetics. Moscow: KNORUS, 2012. 528 p.

4.       Wackenroder, W.H. About art and artists. Reflections of a hermit, lover of fine art. Moscow: V tip. С. Selivanovsky, 1826. 314 p.

5.       Hegel, G.W.F. Aesthetics: in 4 vols. V. 3. Мoscow, 1971. 623 p.

6.       Kant, I. Critique of the Ability to Judge. Moscow: Art, 1994. 368 p.

7.       Losev, A.F. Aesthetics of the Renaissance. Moscow: Mysl’, 1982. 623 p.

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9.       Nietzsche, F. Kazus Wagner: Turin letter in May 1888. In: Nietzsche, F. Works: in 2 vols. V. 2. Moscow: Mysl’, 1990. P. 528–546.

10.     Solovyov, V.S. The General Meaning of Art. Works in 2 vols. V. 2. Мoscow, 1988. 212 p.

11.     Feuerbach, L. Selected philosophical works. Moscow: Gospolitizdat, 1955. V. 1. 675 p.

12.     Fichte, J.G. Works: in 2 vols. St. Petersburg: Mifril, 1993. V. 1. 687 p.

13.     Florensky, P.A. Pillar and Statement of Truth: in 2 vols. Moscow: Pravda, 1990. V. 1. Pt. 2. 496 p.

14.     Schelling, F.W.J. On the relation of the fine arts to nature. Works in 2 vols. V. 2. Мoscow, 1989. P. 51.