Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Digitalization of public services: A comparative analysis of foreign models

P.Ju. Kuznetsova, A.D. Neroslov
UDC 351-042.4:004

Polina Ju. Kuznetsova, Cand Sci. (Sociollogy), Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and History, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, e-mail:

Aleksej D. Neroslov, 4th year student of the Bachelor’s degree in the field of “State and municipal management”, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, SPIN-код (RSCI) 7335-7112, AuthorID (RSCI) 1186504, Web of Science ResearcherIDКСК-6858-2024,, e-mail:


The purpose of the article is to study the implementation of a client-centric approach to the digitalization of public services in foreign countries. The authors have developed a methodology for comparative analysis of portals of public services in foreign countries, providing for three groups of criteria: aggregation of information on public services; visualization of information; quality of feedback from applicants. The models of digitalization of public services in the USA, Great Britain, France, Estonia, Australia, Greece, Uzbekistan are analyzed, the level of technology implementation corresponding to the tasks of client-centered management is determined. Conclusions are drawn about the heterogeneous introduction of superservice technologies into the information systems of foreign portals, or life situations that allow the comprehensive provision of public services. The advantages and disadvantages of visualizing information about public services and feedback systems presented in foreign models of providing services in electronic form are revealed. The problems of insufficient openness of information on the assessment of the quality of services provided by citizens are identified. Recommendations have been developed on the possibilities of applying successful foreign practices of profiling applicants through their questionnaires in Russia on the Unified Portal of Public Services and on regional portals of public services, the introduction of inclusive conditions for the provision of services to persons with disabilities.

Keywords: public services, life situations, applicant profiling, information aggregation, information visualization, infographics, feedback



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