Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Transformation of a teacher’s practical activity against the background of digitalization of education

S.N. Aplevich, V.I. Nemchina, A.N. Legkonogikh
UDC 37.07:005.95/.96

Svetlana N. Aplevich, Director of the gymnasium of the Don State Technical University, Rostov n/D, e-mail:

Vera I. Nemchina, Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Docent, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies of Southern Federal University, Rostov n/D, e-mail:

Aleksandr N. Legkonogikh, Associate Professor, State Autonomous Institution of additional professional education of the Rostov region “Institute of Education Development”, Rostov n/D, e-mail:


The purpose of the article is to highlight the specifics of transformation of the practical activity of a teacher against the background of intensive digitalization of the educational process. The relevance of the study is conditioned by the changes in the real sector of the economy, which caused the transformation of the education system, the instability of students’ needs in acquiring professional competencies, as well as the ambiguity of the quality and effectiveness of education, including the qualifications and competence of the teacher himself. Changes in the practical activity of teachers are considered on the example of the gymnasium of the Don State University (Rostov-on-Don), in particular, it is summarized that the educational process is influenced by digital technologies, teaching methods, changes in educational priorities related to the demand for potential graduates in the labor market. The comparative analysis of the educational practice of teaching in the gymnasium with the use of digital technologies and traditional methods has been carried out. The dynamics of the digitalization of the educational process in the gymnasium is studied, taking into account the extension of education of its graduates in higher education. The results and conclusions published in the article are based on the author’s monitoring of the use of digital tools in the development of working programs of disciplines focused on the implementation of the competence-based approach and improvement of the practical activity of a teacher of a gymnasium at a higher education institution.

Keywords: digitalization of the educational process, the transformation of teaching practice, dynamics of digitalization of the gymnasium, the content of the educational group, social network


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