Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Peculiarities of formation of value orientations of youth

Z.Ya. Umarova

UDC 17
DOI 10.20339/AM.06-24.010

Zara Ya. Umarovа, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Docent, Associate Professor, Grozny State Oil Technical University, e-mail:


The relevance of the study is caused by the fact that at the present stage of social development there is a transformation of value orientations of young people. The article examines the difficulties experienced by young people with unformed minds, insufficient knowledge and abilities to deal with complex life situations and constantly being in virtual existence, which strongly affects their health. Young people with insufficient speech and life experience are quickly embedded in the virtual format of communication. The technical world is developing rapidly. There is an invisible struggle between the new and the old, with the increased interest of today's youth in material values. It is up to the person himself to choose the path he chooses, he often has to turn to his inner world and then go out again to communicate with the real world in the environment in which he lives. At the same time, the environment does nothing for him - everything is created by the man himself. At the same time, the environment does not do anything for him - everything is created by the person himself. Success in the life of young people is predetermined by humanitarian education aimed at the formation of value orientations, independent choice of life path, preservation of ethno-cultural and confessional values in the civilizational identity of Russians.

Keywords: youth, values, technical world, information, continuity of generations, man, contradictions, humanitarian education, personality




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