Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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On the question of patriotic education: The experience of China

A.K. Rozhkova, T.V. Faktorovich

UDC 37.02(510)
DOI 10.20339/AM.05-24.080

Anna K. Rozhkova*,
Baikal State University, Irkutsk city
e-mail:, SPIN code of the author on 4833-1877

Tatiana V. Faktorovich,

Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Senior lecturer
 Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Yezhevsky
SPIN code of the author on 9358-2140


In the article, the authors study the phenomenon of patriotic education within the framework of the youth policy of the People’s Republic of China from the point of view of current regulations: the Law “On Patriotic Education”, which came into force in January 2024, as well as the strategic planning document — Implementation Plan “On further strengthening patriotic education in a new era”, adopted in 2019.

The special relevance of educating patriotic youth in the conditions of increasing globalization and Westernization of most modern countries is emphasized, the main ideas, goals and principles laid down in the foundation of the Chinese education system in general, and patriotic education in particular, are listed. Specific instructions and methodological recommendations for teaching staff of educational institutions, leisure institutions, managers, and civil servants are analyzed in the context of the implementation of measures to strengthen the ideas of patriotism in practice. The idea of a direct connection between patriotic education, ensuring the cultural sovereignty of the country and the ideological component of the state’s national security system is affirmed. A conclusion is drawn about the effectiveness of implementing specific measures as part of the implementation of China’s educational and youth policy and the possibility of Russia adopting this experience.

Keywords: patriotic education of youth, comparative analysis method, People’s Republic of China, identity, state policy in the field of education, ideology, national security, Fatherland


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