Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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The features of the indigenization process of sociological knowledge in China in the first half of the XX century

L.A. Lebedintseva, P.P. Deriugin, A.M. Kadyrov, D.A. Lebedintsev, Liu Tianxi

UDC 316(510)"1910/1960"
DOI 10.20339/AM.05-24.039


Liubov A. Lebedintseva,
Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Professor,
Saint Petersburg State University,

Pavel P. Deriugin,
Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Professor,
Saint Petersburg State University,

Abdurashid M. Kadyrov,
r. Sci. (Economy), Professor,
Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan,

Daniil A. Lebedintsev,
master student,
Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Liu Tianxi,
PhD student,
Saint Petersburg State University,


The article analyzes the national peculiarities of the formation of sociology as a science in China in the first half of the XX century. The purpose of the article is to analyze the causes, features and characteristic features of the process of indigenization of sociological knowledge in China. Based on the axiological approach, it is revealed that the early stage of the Sinification of sociological theories begins with the study of anthropological-cultural, socio-economic, political-managerial, socio-geographical studies of the features and characteristic national features of Chinese society. It is revealed that the theoretical and empirical results of the study of social organization, social change, social evolution, socio-labor processes, management and subordination relations are based on the values of traditionalism/national specificity and pragmatism/ideology, and indicate the acquisition of unique national features by sociological science. It has been established that the values most fully rooted in the Chinese mentality manifest themselves in a unique phenomenon — “Marxist sociology”. The reasons for the emergence and rapid deployment of sociological ideas rooted in the social environment and empirical studies of Chinese society in various spheres and manifestations are revealed. It is noted that the processes of indigenization of sociological knowledge in China have a unique national flavor, reflected in numerous published works.

Keywords: indigenization, sociological science, axiological approach, national specificity, Chinese sociology

The work was supported by RSF grant No. 24-28-01448.



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