Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Migration processes as a life strategy of rural youth: socio-philosophical aspect

E.I. Zasedateleva

UDC 316.4-052-057.6
DOI 10.20339/AM.05-24.028

Evgeniya I. Zasedateleva,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law,
Siberian Institute of Management — branch of the Russian Academy National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Novosibirsk city;
pplicant for the Department of Ontology, Theory of Knowledge and Social Philosophy,
National Research Tomsk State University



The article provides an analysis of the migration processes of rural youth and identifies the factors influencing them.
There are many differences between rural and urban lifestyles. They affect such areas of life as everyday life, everyday life, and the characteristics of interper-sonal relationships. One of the problems that is typical for village life is the lack of places where a person could find a job. In many ways, it is this factor that forces people to pay special attention to personal farming. In addition, such a feature of rural life as the seasonality of earnings is of particular importance.
In many ways, the views embodied in the migration processes of rural youth are influenced by childhood impressions. In childhood, the foundation is laid that forms the specifics of self-awareness. The single-industry nature of the rural econ-omy and the ongoing crisis in the agricultural sector stimulate rural youth to leave their native lands. In order to stay in the village, a young person needs either a life strategy, the implementation of which requires living outside the city, or reliance on happy childhood memories associated with this area.
Keywords: life strategy, youth, rural youth, the crisis of the agricultural sector, transformational processes in society, changes of the value system


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