Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Role of additional educational programs in the development of entrepreneurial activity among Russian youth

T.I. Grabelnykh, A.V. Lapina, N.A. Sablina, S.P. Kakaulin, A.Yu. Tatarnikova

UDC 37.09+338

DOI 10.20339/AM.01-24.076  



Tatyana I. Grabelnykh*, Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Professor, Head of Department of Social Philosophy and Sociology, Head of the Sociological Laboratory of Regional Problems and Innovations, Irkutsk State University, e-mail:

Anna V. Lapina, Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Lecturer at Department of Social Philosophy and Sociology, Irkutsk State University, e-mail:

Natalya A. Sablina, Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor of Department of Social Philosophy and Sociology, Senior Researcher at Sociological Laboratory of Regional Problems and Innovations, Irkutsk State University, e-mail:

Sergey P. Kakaulin, Cand. Sci. (Economics), Docent, Associate Professor of Department of Social Philosophy and Sociology, Irkutsk State University, e-mail:

Alena Yu. Tatarnikova, applicant for Department of Social Philosophy and Sociology, Irkutsk State University, e-mail:


The article discusses the increasing role of the institute of additional education in the development of entrepreneurial activity among Russian youth. It is substantiated that in conditions of unsustainable social development, the implementation of additional educational programs opens up new opportunities for young entrepreneurs due to the formation of universal competencies that allow them to quickly adapt to the threats and challenges of a changing world. Attention is focused on the need to ensure the quality and flexibility of educational programs in the development of successful entrepreneurship among young people. The article differentiates digital platforms and platforms that help increase the entrepreneurial activity of young people, taking into account the educational component. Two types of educational platforms are identified, on the basis of which the active development of universal competencies takes place in the conditions of digital transformations. The first type is represented by programs and activities aimed at developing youth entrepreneurship on a broad institutional basis. The second type reflects specialized platforms aimed at young people who already have higher education diplomas and are implementing their professional, educational and labor trajectories in the labor market. It has been proven that in the conditions of a separate Russian region, the formation and implementation of strategies for youth entrepreneurial activity have their own specifics and reflect the key problems of socio-economic development.

Keywords: youth, higher education, institute of further education, additional educational programs, entrepreneurial activity, universal competencies, digital sites and platforms.



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