Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Spirituality as the highest dimension of human existence

Z.Ya. Umarova

UDC 13

DOI 10.20339/AM.12-23.099


Zara Ya. Umarovа, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Docent at Grozny State Oil University named after аcad. M.D. Millionshtchikov, e-mail:


The relevance of the study is dictated by the inadmissibility of the destruction of the human spirit, which is the basis of human existence. The article considers the impact of technogenic processes on human spirituality. It is shown that in modern society man experiences huge contradictions in his being. The daily flow of information leads to serious changes in the consciousness and lifestyle of people, generating a crisis of relations between them — aggression, intolerance, mistrust leading to mental disorders. The technological world has a strong impact on human nature: it makes high demands on intelligence, speed and intensity in production processes, which directly affects moral qualities and affects the mental and physical health of a person. he integrity and value of man is gradually being lost, he does not live, but functions. It is impossible to allow the power of technology over man. Despite the numerous transformations in the life of society, it should be noted that only man is the creator of spiritual culture, the top of which is formed by morality, religion, philosophy, art, leading to good, peace and the highest good on Earth.

Keywords: spirituality, goodness, being, man, dimension, technology, morality, development, transformation, responsibility, society, value, nature, contradictions.



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