Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Didactic foundations of digitalization of the educational process in the Gymnasium at the University

S.N. Aplevich

UDC 373+378

DOI 10.20339/AM.11-23.043


Svetlana N. Aplevich, Director of the Gymnasium of the Don State Technical University, e-mail:


The article analyzes the modern didactic foundations that influence the development of digital processes in the educational activities of the gymnasium at the university. The object of the study is Gymnasium No. 52 at the Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don), the subject of the study is the processes aimed at developing didactic approaches to digitalization in the educational activities of the gymnasium, with deep involvement in the professional, project, research work of gymnasium students for further study at the university. In the course of the theoretical analysis, the content characteristics of the didactic approach in the aspect of digitalization of education (methodology, competencies, tools, technologies) are clarified. Based on didactic principles, the attitude, involvement and perception of digitalization of education in the gymnasium and at the university were empirically determined. The results of the study are summarized graphically, which reflects the importance of improving the basic principles of didactics in pedagogy, and the formation of author’s approaches to the use of digitalization in the educational process as a basis for the development of competencies, teaching techniques and technologies.

Keywords: didactic foundations of digitalization, gymnasium and university, project model of didactic approaches.



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