Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Ethical and pedagogical ideas of the Islamic peripathetian Al-Razi

T.M. Aminov, M.T. Yakupov

UDC 2-37

DOI 10.20339/AM.07-23.096


Tahir M. Aminov, Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Professor at Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmully, ORCID 0000-0001-5269-2406; ID WoS AAP -6200-2021; ID Scopus 56275463900; ID РИНЦ 6288-0605e-mail:

Marat T. Yakupov, Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor at Neftekamsk Branch of Ufa State Oil University, e-mail:


The purpose of the article was to analyze the ethical and pedagogical problems considered in the works of the medieval Islamic thinker Al-Razi. The logical relationship between the Islamic postulates and the ethical and pedagogical ideas of this thinker with the paradigms accumulated by the peripathetics of the Antiquity is substantiated. Ancient philosophy is both a methodological and theoretical basis for the scientific research of an Islamic scientist. The content of his ethics is based on humanism, which is the main principle of education and training of a future full-fledged personality. A manifestation of novelty was the position of the thinker in matters of social strata, on the one hand, the possibility of moving from one to another, on the other — when moving from one to another, a person should not change for the worse. According to the philosopher, the mind plays a primary role in the education and re-education of the human soul. The qualities of a person are singled out, to which education should be directed, in which the moral component is the pivotal one. The development of morality should lead to the formation of harmonious relationships of the individual in society. Al-Razi contributed to the transfer of theoretical reflections into the practice of Muslim behavior.

Keywords: Al-Razi, Islamic thinker, ethical ideas, pedagogical views, qualities of a noble person.



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