Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Analysis of the potential of modern information technology to manipulate response in education

Yu.I. Butenko, D.E. Marchenko

UDC 378:659+37.07

DOI 10.20339/AM.07-23.066


Iuliia I. Butenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Romance and Germanic Languages at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, е-mail:

Daniil E. Marchenko, Student of the Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, e-mail:


The article deals with the possibilities of modern information technologies for shaping the image of an educational institution, in particular, the problems associated with the capabilities of bot systems for automatic generation of reviews about the educational institution. It is shown that automatic generation of feedback on educational institutions is a means of manipulation in the educational environment. Strategies for shaping the image of an educational institution in the information space have been analyzed. It has been revealed that bot systems, adjusting to the dynamics of the struggle for image and recognition, as well as generating human-like reviews, form a disinformation environment in the educational environment. The paper also highlighted the reasons why people are susceptible to such manipulation and believe bot reviews, and substantiated why people to this day cannot reduce the impact of such manipulation by bot systems when choosing an educational institution. Examples of reviews generated by neural networks about higher education institutions are given.

Keywords: education, university image, text generation, opinion manipulation, reviews.



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