UDC 378:005
Victor P. Soloviev, Cand. Sc. (Technic), Professor at NUST MISIS, e-mail: solovjev@mail.ru
Tatyana A. Pereskokova, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor at Institute – brunch of RGGRU (MGRI) in Stary Oskol
In the article is considered the problem of using the principle of management by goals in professional education organizations in accordance with the requirements of a number of directive government documents.
Shown that educational organizations are “captivated” by prescribed accreditation indicators. The analysis of development programs up to 2030 of some technical universities is carried out. Attention is drawn to the absence in the development programs of solving the problems of branches, distance learning, secondary vocational education. It is recommended to pay attention to the domestic university experience of training engineering personnel. Doubts are expressed about the achievement of the set goals for preparing students for modern professional activity when switching to the model 2+2+2. The expediency of using interactive learning in teachers' classrooms is shown.
Keywords: development program, accreditation indicators, management by goals, number of students, learning models, educational process.
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