Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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State Policy in the Field of Agriculture in the 1920s

E.G. Khrushchev

UDC [338+631]"192"     


Evgeny G. Khrushchev, Lecturer Department of theory and history of state and law, South-West State University, Kursk, e-mail:

The relevance of the research topic is explained by the fact that outstanding successes in the socialist reorganization of agriculture caused huge changes in the life of the country. Deprived of their production base, the former exploiters did not disappear from life, but their social position changed. Many former exploiters went to work in enterprises and institutions, penetrated the collective farms and state farms. Some of them joined the ranks of declassed elements. In the fight against the dictatorship of the proletariat, the former exploiters used a new, unique tactic — the tactic of “sneak peeks”.

The purpose of the study is to conduct an analysis of policy in industry during the NEP period.

Tasks: historical and legal analysis of the characteristic features of the NEP as a necessary component of building economic ties and relations in the new state formation; assessment of the results of the economic development of the Soviet type of state under the new economic policy.

Methodology. To achieve the stated goal when considering the stated problem, in this article, such methods of scientific knowledge of reality as analysis and synthesis, as well as dialectical, logical, historical, and systemic methods were used.

Conclusion. By the end of the recovery period, the country was experiencing an economic boom. The political activity of all social groups in the country increased, including forces hostile to the dictatorship of the proletariat. The poor, on the other hand, turned out to be the least prepared for the new conditions in the countryside. In its activity and organization, it lagged behind other sections of the peasantry. In a number of cases, the inability of the party organizations to rally the poor peasantry together with the middle peasantry in order to secure their strong influence in the soviets also had an effect. As a result of all this, serious shortcomings, weaknesses and mistakes were revealed in the activities of the Soviets.

Key words: new economic policy, industry, economic potential, “war communism”, pricing, pricing policy



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