Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Programmes Development and Realisation to Enhance Skills in Synchrotron and Neutron Investigation During Pandemics

A.M. Lider, Е.А. Склярова, I.V. Slesarenko

UDC 37.09:539.1-057.4      


Аndrey М. Lider, Dr. Sc., Professor in Engineering, Head, Department of Experimental Physics. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University; ORCID 0000-0002-3868-2647, Researcher ID A-7702-2014, e-mail:

Еlena А. Sklyarova, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy), Assistant Professor in Pedagogy, Department of Experimental Physics. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University; ORCID 0000-0003-4401-356X, SCOPUS AuthorID: 36933876200, e-mail: 

Inga V. Slesarenko, Dr. Sc. (Pedagogy), Assistant Professor in Pedagogy, Research and Training Center in University Management. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University; ORCID 0000-0002-1115-8984, Researcher ID B-9661-2017, e-mail:  (corresponding author)


The paper presents National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) and its partner-organizations experience in development and delivery of educational programme within the topic: “In situ techniques of synchrotron investigation of multilayered functional structures with unique parameters and properties designed with beam-plasma surface engineering”. The unique features of the programme are discussed, as well as specifics of its realization and factual outcomes — educational aims and learning outcomes. The educational programme is unique representation of experience of research and educational organizations. The programme specifics include its realization in the format of hybrid and blended teaching and learning in new conditions of pandemics.

Key words: professional enhancement programme, professional training, blended teaching and learning, pandemics, synchrotron and neutron radiation.



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[ИЯФ] The Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. URL: (accessed on: 01.05.2022).

[Отчет] Otchet o vypolnennykh rabotakh po realizatsii issledovatel’skoi programmy (proekta) po teme: “In situ metody sinkhrotronnykh issledovanii mnogosloinykh funktsional’nykh struktur s unikal’nymi parametrami i svoistvami, sozdannykh puchkovo-plazmennoi inzheneriei poverkhnosti” (promezhutochnyi) (2021) [Report on the Academic Programme Realisation “In situ Techniques for Synchrotron Investigation of Multilayered Functional Structures with Unique Parameters and Properties Designed with Beam-Plasma Engineering of Surfaces” (interim report) to the Ministry of Science and Education of Russian Federation. TPU.] 2021. 97 p.

Lider, А., Sklyarova Е., SlesarenkoI.V. (2021) Vozmozhnosty universiteta v organizatsii uchebnogo protsessa v gibridnom formate v usloviyakh pandemii [University Capacities to Organise Teaching and Learning Process in Hybrid during Pandemics]. In The Future of the Education System in the Context of COVID-19. Collection of articles of the international forum, timed to the International Day of Education. R. Amirjanova (ed.). P. 67–71.

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