Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Axiological approach to the problem of professional training of teachers

T.V. Ledovskaya

UDC 378                 


Tatyana V. Ledovskaya, Ph.D. (Psychology), Docent, Associate Professor of Department of Educational Psychology at Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, e-mail:


The article notes that in order to develop the concept of continuing pedagogical education, the formation of value orientations, realized through the application of the idea of consistency and continuity, is fundamental. The axiological basics of designing a system for advanced training of teachers are disclosed. In accordance with this, the purpose of the study was formulated: to determine the value-meaning foundations of the work of existing teachers. The results of the study of the specifics of value and meaning expectations from the teaching profession are presented. Two categories of values have been identified: relevant (value of self-development, cooperation, love for children, knowledge of the subject, devotion to the profession) and scarce (feeling of lack of respect from the administration and parents, low wages, a large number of reports, lack of time). The teachers found a tendency to replace real values with declared ones: declaring the rather high importance of values associated with the child, the ability to interact with parents, teachers do not attach importance to the respect of students, their motivation and the organization of independent activities of students. Comparative analysis helped to obtain an updated list of benchmarks that can be considered as the basis for determining indicators of universal pedagogical competencies at the level of additional vocational education and creating a value-meaning model of the teacher development system.

Key words: competencies, values, axiological approach, advanced training, teacher.



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